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Tag: Pack Meetings

Pack Meeting

Online Pack Meeting

Meeting ID: 876 5349 4743
Passcode: 300582

Parents:  For this meeting, we will need several things from you:  your cooperation, engagement and preparation.  While this will be a ZOOM meeting, your Scout won’t just be sitting there being entertained.  Please take an active role keeping them safe, particularly since we will be asking them to carve with a sharp knife and asking them to go outside with your phone.

OVERALL MEETING PLAN:  Our Scouts will be carving bars of soap.  If you want to see how creative you can be with a bar of Ivory, search the net for Ivory Soap Carvings.  Scouts will be limited by their own imagination.  To carve, they should use tools appropriate for their age.  Lions and Tigers should use butter knives and older scouts may use something with a sharper edge.  But Scouts may wish to use other carving tools such as spoons, wooden dowels, or wooden play knives that achieve the carving result they are looking for.  Please gather these before the meeting.  When each Scout is finished Carving, they should raise their hand, send a chat, or signal to the Zoom moderator and they will be directed to the Mosquito Quest breakout room.  What is a Mosquito Quest you might ask???  Let’s just say that a Scout is clean and they will learn how to be on the lookout for places mosquitoes live…

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2020 Pack Registration Meeting #2

As in years past, we will hold 2 virtual sessions to facilitate the timely annual registration process.

  • Thursday, September 10, 7 PM
  • Wednesday, Sept 16, 7 PM

Please join us for 1 of the above sessions.  That means 1 or the other, but NOT both, unless you liked the first one so much!

Wednesday, Sept 16, 7 PM
Meeting ID: 858 4165 9319
Passcode: 499492

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2020 Pack Registration Meeting #1

As in years past, we will hold 2 virtual sessions to facilitate the timely annual registration process.

  • Thursday, September 10, 7 PM
  • Wednesday, Sept 16, 7 PM

Please join us for 1 of the above sessions.  That means 1 or the other, but NOT both, unless you liked the first one so much!

Thursday, September 10, 7 PM
Meeting ID: 835 3426 4387
Passcode: 016748

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