Pack and Den Leadership
Registered leaders and volunteers
The pack and den are primarily organized by leaders who officially register with the Boy Scouts of America. Leaders are required to complete Adult Applications and undergo a criminal background check.
Non-leader parents frequently assist with planning and executing activities, sometimes organizing and leading an entire trip or activity.
To protect the safety of youth, at least two adults, at least one of whom is a registered leader, must be present for any Pack 230 activity.
Den leaders
Each individual den has a Den Leader and Assistant Den Leaders. These leaders are responsible for setting the schedule, planning activities, and delegating certain activities to other den parents.
Pack leaders
The Cubmaster and Assistant Cubmasters plan and execute monthly Pack meetings. The Cubmaster and Assistant Cubmasters work to support the Den Leaders and encourage and provide training relevant to the leader’s position. The Registrar coordinates registration and manages advancement records on Scoutbook.
The Pack Leadership Committee consists of all registered leaders and any other interested volunteers. It makes major decisions for the pack, approves leaders, and coordinates pack activities, fundraising events, pack outings, camping trips, and big events like the the Pinewood Derby and Blue and Gold.
Safety Policies for Trips and Other Activities
- Two-deep leadership. At least two adults, at least one of whom is a registered leader, must be present for all trips and scouting activities.
- No one-on-one contact. Adults may not be alone with youth who are not their own during any trip or scouting activity. This generally means staying within view of other adults while interacting with youth.
- Respect of Privacy. Adults must respect privacy of youth during changing/showering, etc., except when necessary to deal with health and safety emergencies. Appropriate attire is required for all.
- Separate accommodations. Adults may not share tents/rooms with youth who are not their own.
All registered leaders are required to take Youth Protection Training (YPT), which explains the standards in more depth. See the following for a complete list of Youth Protection standards: