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Dens and Advancement

Pack 230 is organized into six groups, or “dens”: Lions (Kindergarten), Tigers (1st grade), Wolves (2nd grade), Bears (3rd grade), Webelos 1 (4th grade), and Webelos 2 (5th grader). Boys and girls may also join a den based on age if desired (see here), but Pack 230 prefers to base dens on grade.

Traditionally, Wolves and Bears are considered “Cub Scouts” while Lions, Tigers and Webelos are considered separate groups. On the youth application and the leader rank patches, for example, Bears and Wolves are called “Cub Scouts,” while Tigers are called Tigers and Webelos 1 and 2 are called Webelos. In most cases, however all six dens are called “Cub Scouts.”

All new Scouts must first earn the Bobcat badge, regardless of their starting grade. After earning the Bobcat badge, Scouts work towards the rank of Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, and Arrow of Light. Each of these ranks has its own unique handbook from which the boys work on their advancement.

Scouts progress from rank to rank, learning new skills as they go. Each of the ranks and awards in Scouting has its own requirements. As Scouts get older and advance, the requirements become more challenging to match newfound skills and abilities.

Each Scout progresses at his own pace as he meets each challenge. Rank advancement is one method used by Scout leaders to help boys fulfill the aims of Scouting: character development, citizenship training, and mental and physical fitness.

Earning merit badges gives Scouts the opportunity to learn important life skills and gain real-world knowledge in more than 130 areas, from American Business to Woodworking.

Den Meetings

At the beginning of the scouting year, the Den Leaders will choose a time and day of the week to have their regular den meetings, such as Sunday afternoons or Tuesday evenings. These meetings may occur 1-3 times a month, depending on the other scouting events taking place that month. The den leaders will usually schedule meetings several months in advance, and adjust it as needed (e.g., in response to inclement weather).

Den meetings may take place at Lutheran Church of the Reformation, another church or community building, a park, or a leader’s home. During warmer months, dens will often plan to meet outside, but change to an indoors location on short notice in the event of bad weather. Location details will generally be announced by email.

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