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Webelos Badge

Webelos 1 (4th Graders)

The Webelos 1 and 2 program is designed to start transitioning the boys and girls from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts. The Webelos program prepares the scout to enter the Boy Scout program. Webelos is an acronym for:”We’ll Be Loyal Scouts”

Webelos may wear either the blue uniform from earlier Cub Scout years or the tan uniform they will wear in Boy Scouts.

In the Webelos 1 program, the scouts work on their Webelos badge. Scouts earn activity pins in areas such as geology, scholarship, fitness, and outdoorsmanship that count towards the Webelos rank.

The focus of the Webelos den is to work together as a team, much like a Boy Scout Patrol. This includes Webelos den camping.

At the end of the scouting year (the last day of DC Public Schools), Webelos graduate into the Webelos 2 den.

Webelos 2 (5th Graders)

In the Webelos 2 program, the boys and girls work on earning the Arrow of Light award. This program is designed to transition the boys from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts and be ready to cross over at the Blue & Gold ceremony at the end of February.

Arrow of Light

The Arrow of Light is the highest award that a Cub Scout can earn and one of the few Cub Scout emblems that may be worn on the Boy Scout uniform. There is even a patch for adult scouters who earned the Arrow of Light as a boy, worn alongside similar patches for the Eagle Scout rank and adult service awards.

Bridging to Boy Scouts

As previously stated, the goal of the Webelos and Arrow of Light program is to prepare scouts to succeed as Boy Scouts. When your scout completes the Cub Scout program as a Webelos 2, we hope he will continue participating in Scouting and join a Boy Scout Troop. The Webelos den leader and other pack leaders will be delighted to help your son connect with a Boy Scout troop.

Pack 230’s affiliated troop is Troop 500 on Capitol Hill. Most Pack 230 scouts join Troop 500 upon completing the Cub Scouts program in 5th grade.

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