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The Cub Scout Dens
Pack 230 is divided into dens, one or more for each grade:

  • Lions (Kindergarten)
  • Tigers (1st grade)
  • Wolves (2nd grade)
  • Bears (3rd grade)
  • Webelos 1 (4th grade)
  • Webelos 2/AOLs (5th grade)

Each den includes around 10 Scouts. The dens organize most activities throughout the year and coordinates the scouts’ advancement toward earning awards. Each den has regular meetings on a regular day of the week, and may also organize additional trips on other days.

The symbol for each den (Tigers, Webelos, etc.) changes each year as the boys and girls matriculate. The dens also have numbers (Den 1, Den 2, etc.) that stay the same through all six years.

The Cub Scout Pack

All dens of the pack meets regularly one evening a month and also organize the biggest events, including the Pinewood Derby race, Blue and Gold celebration, fundraisers, and all-pack campouts. Most pack events are open to all dens.

Some adult volunteers primarily serve a particular den (Den Leaders, Assistant Den Leaders), while others serve the whole pack (e.g., Cubmaster, Registrar, Webmaster, and chairs for the big events).

About Our Chartered Organization

Every scouting unit is hosted by a “chartered organization,” such as a church, school, or nonprofit organization. Capitol Hill Scouts ( is the chartered organization for Pack 230 and its sibling Scouts BSA Troop, Troop 500. It is an independent nonprofit organization dedicated to scouting in the Capitol Hill area. The “Chartered Organization Representative” approves all leader applications and helps oversee the pack. This position is currently held by Mike Ryan of Washington, DC.

The Local Scouts BSA Community

Pack 230 is in the Washington DC District, one of 23 districts that make up the National Capital Area Council (NCAC). NCAC is one of nearly 300 local councils chartered by the National Council, Scouts BSA. It is a Class 200 council, meaning it is one of the largest, and is comprised of 23 districts serving ten counties in Northern Virginia, six counties in Maryland, the District of Columbia, and the US Virgin Islands. The NCAC council number is 82.

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