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Pack Activities

All-Pack Family Campouts

Pack 230 traditionally has a one-night kickoff campout in the Fall, and a two-night grand-finale campout the first weekend in June (Friday evening through Sunday). Both are open to the whole pack.

The venue for the kickoff campout has been the Lake Fairfax Park Campground, a beautiful wooded campsite along just outside the beltway.

The final campout in recent years has been at Shenandoah Springs and includes lake swimming, canoeing, archery and other family events. Each family brings a tent and stays the night. All meals and lots of fun is included – please plan to join in this fun.

Each den will likely participate in additional campouts throughout the year, depending on the plans of the individual den.

Pinewood Derby

Once a year, in January (this year on the 27th), the Pack has a Pinewood Derby race. The Pack provides each Scout with a Pinewood Derby kit at least one month before the Derby. Each Scout (with the help of their parents) designs and builds their car from a block of pine and wheels included in the kit. Each car must meet very specific rules (including weight and size requirements) and be built from the official BSA Pinewood Derby kit. The cars are judged for speed in different age groups and for appearance. Guidelines will be provided closer to the event.

The official rules for the Pack 230 Derby are distributed to each scout with the Pinewood Derby kit.

If you are interested in assisting with the pinewood derby, please contact the Cubmaster.

Blue and Gold Celebration

Each year the Cub Scouts celebrate the anniversary of the founding of Scouting in the U.S. by having a Blue and Gold Celebration in February and it takes the place of the Pack Meeting for that month. In recent years Pack 230 has held a big awards ceremony followed by a banquet with entertainment. The entire family is encouraged to attend as scouts will be recognized for their achievements.

If you are interested in assisting with the banquet, please contact the Cubmaster.

Capstone Campout (Shenandoah Springs)

For the Webelos 2 Scouts, the final night of being a Cub Scout is at our Shenandoah Springs Campout (first weekend of June). This includes a memorable “bridging” ceremony to Boy Scouts for those scouts who are continuing the Scouting adventure. For all other scouts its a celebration of the end of the year and promotion to the next rank. 

Council and District Sponsored Activities

Throughout the year, the National Capital Area Council and/or the Washington, DC District coordinates events for Scouts from all packs to participate in. This includes events such as Day Camps, Family Camps, and STEM Days. We encourage everyone to take advantage of these opportunities.

Pack 230 leaders will periodically announce some of these opportunities. Due to the number of events available, however, we can only email out a small fraction of the events available throughout the Council.

You can see for yourself the upcoming Council events at the following website: Talk to your den leader or the Cubmaster if there is any event you would like a group to attend.

Summer Activities

The Pack typically schedules one activity per month during the summer months. All summer activities will be publicized using email and Rising 4th and 5th graders are eligible to attend the week-long Goshen Scout Reservation summer camp.

Scouts who attend at least one Pack activity per month during the months of June, July, and August can earn the special National Summertime Pack Award.

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