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Pack Meetings

Pack meetings generally take place on the first Friday evening of the month at the Lutheran Church of the Reformation. But at times we hold them at other locations and times.

The meeting schedule will be posted on the Scoutbook calendar.

The Pack Meeting is a fun time for everyone. Dens show off the projects they have been working on, lead songs, perform skits, and awards are presented to the Scouts. It is a time for the family to get information on upcoming activities and share in the Scouting spirit. Join in the excitement while watching your child advance!

Should Parents Attend Pack Meetings?

Parents are encouraged to attend. Planning and registration for big upcoming events takes place at nearly every pack meeting.

If you choose to drop off your child, you must designate another adult whom you trust to be responsible for your child.

Siblings are welcome. Pack meetings, like most events in Cub Scouts, are open to the whole family. Siblings of all ages frequently attend meetings and other events, and can sometimes be included in the activities.

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