Latest Past Events
Pack Meeting
Online Pack Meeting Meeting ID: 876 5349 4743 Passcode: 300582 Parents: For this meeting, we will need several things from you: your cooperation, engagement and preparation. While this will be a ZOOM meeting, your Scout won’t just be sitting there being entertained. Please take an active role keeping them safe, particularly since we will […]
2020 Pack Registration Meeting #2
Online MeetingAs in years past, we will hold 2 virtual sessions to facilitate the timely annual registration process. Thursday, September 10, 7 PM Wednesday, Sept 16, 7 PM Please join us for 1 of the above sessions. That means 1 or the other, but NOT both, unless you liked the first one so much! Wednesday, Sept […]
2020 Pack Registration Meeting #1
Online MeetingAs in years past, we will hold 2 virtual sessions to facilitate the timely annual registration process. Thursday, September 10, 7 PM Wednesday, Sept 16, 7 PM Please join us for 1 of the above sessions. That means 1 or the other, but NOT both, unless you liked the first one so much! Thursday, September […]